Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Art Theft!

I furnished this video, not because of the news of the signing of the pipeline, but to draw your attention to the gigantic graphic art design behind the signers. It is a stolen design from a fellow deviant artist, on the art website,

You would not believe how much art is stolen off of the Internet. Many people do it out of ignorance. But for a multi- billion dollar corporation to do it is just incredible! The artist who's art was stolen, has retained a lawyer and will be going after them for copyright infringement. The Internet has been a blessing and a curse in many ways. Its no wonder as a musician and as an artist I can't make even a modest living. I am just asking that you please consider before you steal someones created works. Outside of a handful of us, hardly any of us are making a living. Part of the reason is no one thinks we are worth anything today, the other is the ease in which you can steal work. I know, there are much more important things to talk about, but it is pretty important to me. Thank you all.


  1. It's ironic that those who are quickest to steal an artist's work are the quickest to sue over "intellectual property"!
    The Corporate world is totally amoral

    Hey! my confirmation word is "SWIRL"!!!!

  2. It is just as important as anything else!

    The fact that people have no morals, no sense of right and wrong, is what saddens me.

    I would think that someone could decide not to take something that is not theirs, whether or not it is copyrighted.
